Saturday, October 1, 2011

A quick banking trip to Belize...

I have to make a quick trip to Belize to take care of some banking matters. It turns out that some of the documentation for the accounts I opened were not completed properly so they need a wet signature on a new signature card and a couple of other minor items to keep the accounts open. At first I was upset to learn this but then I realized that the same thing could happen right here at home; the difference being that a trip to the branch in my case involves flying to another country. I am still glad that I chose Scotiabank since it has a huge presence throughout the Caribbean and Central America in addition to the U.S. and could make future traveling a bit easier.

Having to make this trip presented a timing problem since I have already used all of my vacation days or have them obligated towards my trip to Panama in November. Fortunately, Columbus Day is coming up on October 10, which is a bank holiday in the U.S. but not in Belize. My boss agreed to give me a personal day for the 11th so I will fly down on Saturday the 8th and return on Tuesday the 11th. I was able to get a flight on Delta with frequent flyer miles so my only cost will be a place to stay, in-country transportation and beer money.

I initially thought about renting a car and going up to Corozal to do a bit more investigation of that area while waiting for the branch to open on Monday morning, but ultimately decided to go back to San Pedro instead. It will cost only a bit more for the flight over to Ambergris Caye than it would to rent a car (car rental prices are outrageous in Belize).

After checking around I got a good deal at the Banana Beach Resort for only $50.00 per night. This is where I stayed in February and while I would have preferred to stay some place different just to try something new, the price was just too good for a decent room that has a good location (just a 15 minute walk into town) and it's right on the beach. Quite honestly, it is worth staying at BBR just to have the conch ceviche at El Divino, the excellent restaurant on site.

I emailed the Re-Max realtor I had spent time with on my last trip, Mike Wilson, and he offered to pick me up at the airport. I am flying this time on Tropic Air for no other reason than to check out the other domestic airline. After departing Tampa at the ungodly hour of 6:00 am and making connections in Atlanta, I will arrive in Belize City around 11:20 am. This should give me plenty of time to make it through immigration and customs with time to spare to catch my 12:40 flight to San Pedro. The short hop across the Caribbean to San Pedro should take 15 minutes or so unless we stop at Caye Caulker on the way.

As long as I am in town anyway, I hope to check out some of the real estate listings that look interesting. Both Paz Villas and the Sailwinds condos are only blocks away from Banana Beach with Caribe Island Condos just another mile or so further South. The Mayan Princess is right in town and I can stop by after my banking business on Monday morning. If I have time I might try to head north to check out Captain Morgan's and maybe even take a look around Sapphire Beach. These properties range in size from a compact studio apartment up to a two-bedroom affair and prices come in at somewhere between $79K to $129K. I doubt I would buy on this trip, but it is a good idea to continue to get the lay of the land and gain a better understanding of what my dollar will buy.

While I am at it, and since I will have all my documents with me, I might just check out Belize Bank and Heritage Bank. I can't hurt to spread my money around a bit for safety's sake.

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